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7 Factors That Can Affect The Performance of a Skincare Product

 So you really liked how a beauty/skincare influencer explained and raved about a skincare product and went ahead and ordered it. But after you used it, it either did not work for you or worse, it irritated your skin. Don't worry, you are not alone as this happens often to many people. Skincare is not foolproof. There's no one perfect magical skin care product that will always work for everyone no matter what. I think sometimes we expect too much when it comes to skincare but there are a lot of factors that actually affect a skincare product from delivering its best and that is why skin care is so different for everyone. What works for one might not work for another and there are a few reasons why that is so.

Age: Collagen production, skin regeneration, and repairing capabilities are reduced with age so as we age we need something that can help regenerate our skin, and improve collagen production so that our skin can repair itself. This is the reason why a regular moisturizer used by a teenager will not work for someone who's in their 30s, or 40s.

Skin type: Depending on whether your skin is oily, dry, or combination you might need skincare that works well with your skin type. For example, people with dry skin need thicker creams and moisturizers that can prevent skin from drying out easily. People with oily skin would like lightweight moisturizers that don't feel heavy and uncomfortable on the skin. People with combination skin might need something in between.

Season: Depending on the season skin can change and might require a different kind of skin product. For example, in summer your skin might be oily and you might need lighter creams while in winter it might get dry and need thicker creams. This doesn't mean the skin care product is bad but just that your skin requirement has changed due to the changing seasons.

Geographic location: Where you live in the world also affects how a skincare product works for you. If you live in a country where it is hot and humid then you might like using lightweight creams while the same cream might not work for you when you are living in a country where it is cold and dry.

Ingredients: Not all ingredients suit everybody's skin. Some people might be allergic to an ingredient and unknowingly use a skincare product thinking it might work but the skin's allergic reaction to it might not allow it to work for you.

Health issues: Sometimes, something that has worked for years may suddenly stop working for you. This might be because your skin is somehow different from what it used to be and the reason for that could be a health issue that affected the skin because of which your skin might have developed a sensitivity to a certain ingredient. For example, I had pretty normal skin that never had any issues until I developed hypothyroidism, and since then my skin has become dehydrated and sensitive. This made some of my old skincare products cause irritation on my skin.

Pre-existing skin conditions: Skin issues like eczema, rosacea, acne, etc. can also affect how a skin care product works. When you have skin conditions like this you should use prescribed skincare to treat these conditions before you use your regular moisturizer. Because these issues occur when the skin barrier is damaged and the skin is sensitive. It is better to treat such conditions before layering 10 skincare products on top of it.

So it is always better to keep in mind these factors before you buy something. Take everything you read/hear online with a grain of salt and do your own research before you consider buying anything. Hope this helps. Happy skincare shopping!


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